Humble fruit contains the highest amount of anti-ageing compounds in the world, no other food compares. Anti-ageing researcher Star Khechara reveals the top ten facelift fruits and how they will benefit your skin plus some delicious ideas of how to include these juicy beauty foods into your daily ‘de-ageing’ diet.
You’ve probably heard about antioxidants and how they are the ‘magic bullet’ against ageing. You may have heard about special phytochemicals like polyphenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins that can help you stay younger; complicated vocabulary aside, you won’t need to learn a new language to be able to eat yourself young and gorgeous. Your fruitbowl and fridge hold the key to nature’s facelift, we’re going to explore the top 5 anti-ageing fruits and how they work
Star’s Top Ten Beauty Fruits for Ageless Skin
If you LOVE delicious anti-ageing fruits, you’ll adore 10 Facelift Fruits factsheet download for FREE today and let fruit make you cute.
In beauty, Star x